Call for views on close protection licence arrangements

Views on how the Close Protection licence arrangements should change are being sought by the Security Industry Authority.

Currently, Close Protection licence holders can use their licence to work as a door supervisor. However, the qualification needed to obtain a Door Supervisor licence has changed.

From February 2013, all door supervisors without the current door supervision qualification introduced in June 2010 will have to take additional training to ensure that they have all of the required learning for this role.

This means that individuals working as door supervisors with a Close Protection licence will not have the same training as those working with a Door Supervision licence. The licence integration arrangement therefore cannot continue and must now be reviewed.

The SIA is consulting on the options for close protection operatives and wishes to hear views from those within the industry. The options are:

1. To require additional training for all Close Protection licence holders so that they can continue to work as a door supervisor; or

2. To end the integration arrangement that allows Close Protection licence holders to work as a door supervisor.

To view the consultation document please visit the SIA website:

Responses must be received by Friday 28 September 2012.