ACS Pacesetters announce sponsors for 2022 Security Officer of Distinction Awards


The 2022 ACS Pacesetters Security Officer of Distinction Awards will take place at the Riverside Pavilion, Royal Windsor Racecourse, on 25th May and we are delighted to announce our sponsors.

These awards reward and celebrate front-line security staff who have carried out exceptional actions whilst on duty.  This it is a great opportunity for members of The ACS Pacesetters to recognise and nominate their front-line Officers who have gone ‘above and beyond’ for both their employer and the client.

We have secured the sponsors listed below and we would like to thank them for their generous support, without which, we would be unable to run this event.

We encourage our members to submit their nominations for these awards before the closing date of 1st April 2022.

The ACS Pacesetters promotes the security companies who are SIA approved contractors and currently have a score in the top 15% of all accredited companies. The Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) provides a recognised hallmark of quality within the private security industry.